Collection: SUN WOO

Brand SUN WOO, inspired by the one-touch tent, is a brand that expresses a 'movable temporary safe space' and develops a 'fun-to-wear' collection of clothes that can be enjoyed.

The attributes of ‘protection’ and ‘expression’ that clothing inherently possesses are expressed in a challenging, sophisticated, and understated yet bold manner.
With great emphasis on form, balance and story-telling, 'SUN WOO will make your wardrobe DANCE!' Along with the story (Sunwoo will make your wardrobe dance!), we focus on creating clothing that the audience can participate in and enjoy. Implementing structured and experimental silhouettes every season,
By adding a device that can interact with the performance, it provides visual stimulation and fashion fantasy to the audience.

🏕 Interview with SUN WOO Jang Seon-woo